Welcome to Thrive Wellness - Toowoomba
Thrive Wellness is a health clinic offering Clinical Psychology, Psychology, Exercise Physiology and Clinical Nutrition services in the Toowoomba area. In addition to in-person consultations in our Toowoomba clinic, our services are available via telehealth and telephone consultations Australia wide.
Our goal is to support you to be healthy in your mind and body so you can be doing what matters to you.
Our philosophy
We believe that as much as possible, people should be able to manage their own health. At Thrive Wellness our aim is to promote self management of both your physical and mental health. Our clinicians will work with you to collaboratively identify treatment goals that are important to you, have measurable outcomes and enable you be active in doing those things that matter most to you.
We recognise that relief of symptoms is only part of a bigger picture when it comes to your health. We aim to provide treatments that have functional outcomes - such as getting you active again in your work and hobbies - not just reduction of pain or distress. We believe it is important to provide you with practical resources and strategies to be able maintain the long-term health of your mind and body.
In working towards symptom relief it is useful to be aware that many treatments can seem to initially increase symptoms. This is because we often automatically adopt strategies for managing symptoms that provide short-term relief but not long-term management. Treatment may require ceasing use of these strategies of short-term relief while implementing a more effective management. This is explained in relation to psychological wellbeing in our article, "It Gets Worse Before it Gets Better" - but the same patterns also often apply for our physical health.
Our Services
We are dedicated to providing affordable, specialised treatments to all ages - children, adolescents and adults.
Our Clinical Psychologists and Psychologists offer assessments and treatment for a variety of mental health conditions, including but not limited to, obsessive compulsive disorder, borderline personality disorder, depression and anxiety.
Our Exercise Physiologists offer assessments and treatment for a range of mental health, muscular, neurological, and metabolic conditions and physical pain or injury. Treatment plans are customised to your individual needs, taking into account the interaction of factors such as physical symptoms, sleep, beliefs and emotions.
Our Clinical Nutritionist seeks to identify the physiological, biochemical and environmental contributors to your health symptoms and provides specific nutrition, exercise, lifestyle and supplement prescriptions.
Thriving - Health News & Insights
At What Cost?
There is a cost to having more of something. That cost is having less of something else. Unfortunately we often don’t even admit to ourselves that there is a cost and consequently don’t understand why our own behaviour seems to be inconsintent with our own values, and we don’t know how to fix the problem.
The Antidote
Trying to achieve perfection would be a good thing if the energy it required didn’t so consistently get in the way of actually living a life that mattered to you and the people you love.
Compulsions: fast-acting anxiety relief! (With a price…)
In the beginning stages of the development of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder compulsions provide fast relief from the anxiety or distress created by intrusive thoughts – uninvited, upsetting thoughts that can pop into our minds unexpectedly. But over the long term, compulsions make the problem worse.
Word perfect
The internet can be quiet a mind field because often what you read is unaccurate. Its partly because people rope learn facts or phrases without checking there source or based on what they have miss-heard. Its probably a good idea to be weary of facts that are presented without sighting reliable sources. If you’re curiosity is peaked by some new theory, do some background checking. Weather you learned a fact twenty years ago or yesterday is a mute point: it could turn out to be wrong. Maybe you could care less, but if you like to be accurate you could wet your appetite with a review of Wikipedias useful List of common misconceptions.
The Serotonin Hypothesis of Depression
Ever been told depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain – specifically serotonin? Scientists have known for some time that this is not correct. The truth is we still don’t know what causes depression … but for some reason the serotonin hypothesis continues to be perpetuated.
There are stupid questions and there is no right answer
Evidence-based eating – has science been making us fat?
As the results of research roll in, science is beginning to agree that the food behaviours humans had for thousands of years were better than the typical high carbohydrate (and fructose!) diets of the last 50 years… but plenty more research is needed. What do we eat while we wait for science to be able to tell us what’s healthy?