Personalised Mental Health
for a Thriving You

  • Hungry hungry hippocampus: Diets and your brain

    Wanting to eat better, lose weight or improve fitness is one thing … for many of us, actually achieving these goals can prove elusive. Common sense is not always enough to achieve lasting change, and there is such diverse and too often contradictory information out there on health, fitness and dieting.

  • Neuroplasticity in action

    Neuroplasticity in action

    The thing that amazes me most, watching this video, is that even under circumstances that are tremendously prejudiced to failure, the neuroplasticity of the brain makes success possible. What might your brain be capable of that may seem impossible to you today?

  • Rewire your brain: neuroplasticity FTW!

    Our brains are not like computers. Neuroplasticity is the ability your brain has to rewire itself in response to experience. What implications does this have for depression and other psychological conditions?