Word perfect
The internet can be quiet a mind field because often what you read is unaccurate. Its partly because people rope learn facts or phrases without checking there source or based on what they have miss-heard. Its probably a good idea to be weary of facts that are presented without sighting reliable sources. If you’re…
The Serotonin Hypothesis of Depression
Ever been told depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain – specifically serotonin? Scientists have known for some time that this is not correct. The truth is we still don’t know what causes depression … but for some reason the serotonin hypothesis continues to be perpetuated.
There are stupid questions and there is no right answer
I’d like to take you on a little journey into the fascinating world of human behaviour. As a starting point, perhaps you could solve the following mathematical problem for me.
“I have an anger problem” – time for assertiveness
Often when people talk about having an “anger problem” what they really have is an aggression problem. Assertiveness is anger done safely – no aggression required.
Four ways to handle a fight
Conflict. Most people hate it. Because we hate it, we usually do what we can to avoid it. There are essentially four ways we can handle a fight or disagreement with someone. Only some of them are good ways.
“It’s not me – it’s you” – a problem of perspective
Ever noticed someone completely ignorant of their own shortcoming and blaming others? How do you know whether you are overlooking your own faults?
Learning to be anxious: the conditioning of fear
I don’t like to feel afraid. I want fear to stop. Relief from fear is nice. Anxiety is almost universally maintained by the reward of escaping anxiety. If you want to overcome anxiety there is really no option but to let youself fear.
Intrusive thoughts: the uninvited visitors
Thoughts of swerving into traffic, pushing someone off a cliff: Intrusive thoughts happen to us all. Research has showed the content of an intrusive thought for an average person is identical to an obsession in someone with OCD. How do they differ?