It Has to be Perfect
Does this sentence make you cringe: “Sometimes when your driving you may notice your car does not seem to be performing at it’s best”? The more perfect you are, the better you are? Or are imperfections are the fingerprints of a human being who is getting things done that matter?
What is the difference between a Psychologist and a Psychiatrist?
A brief answer to what is probably the question I am most commonly asked in relation to being a psychologist: “What is the differences between a psychologist and a psychiatrist?”
What is a psychologist?
Can a psychologist read your mind? What is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist? Isn’t psychology all just common sense?
Wholemeal bread
Food plays an important part in our physical and mental wellbeing. Here is a wholemeal bread recipe offering both the therapeutic benefits of cooking and the benefits of wholesome food.
The pain inside
“She’s just doing it for attention.” This is a phrase I have often heard from people trying to understand why a patient, a friend or a loved-one has been deliberately hurting themselves. Self injury goes against all our natural instincts of survival and self-protection. Unfortunately, the assumption often ends up being that a person…
It gets worse before it gets better
There is a common paradox for psychological therapy: many times the strategies we have found to provide us relief from our problems are at the same time perpetuating our problems. Consequently, therapy can at times be very uncomfortable: you make a choice to confront difficult feelings and experiences that you have developed a range…