Personalised Mental Health
for a Thriving You

  • Eat well, think well

    A healthy diet isn’t just about physical health – research increasingly emphasises the importance of diet to our mental health.

  • Secrets to achieving more in less time

    Sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day. Our lives are so busy; it is so hard to allocate time to all the important things we want to get done. Read on for the secret to doing more in less time.

  • Humans: not optimised for logic

    The Wason Selection Task is a logic puzzle that, despite its simplicity, less than 10% of people can answer correctly. Are you one of those few?

  • Hungry hungry hippocampus: Diets and your brain

    Wanting to eat better, lose weight or improve fitness is one thing … for many of us, actually achieving these goals can prove elusive. Common sense is not always enough to achieve lasting change, and there is such diverse and too often contradictory information out there on health, fitness and dieting.

  • Neuroplasticity in action

    Neuroplasticity in action

    The thing that amazes me most, watching this video, is that even under circumstances that are tremendously prejudiced to failure, the neuroplasticity of the brain makes success possible. What might your brain be capable of that may seem impossible to you today?

  • The Science on Mindfulness

    The Science on Mindfulness

    Mindfulness forms an important part of a range of strategies we use at Thrive Wellness to facilitate psychological well-being. So far we have never written on the subject on our blog. Now, once again, the Radio National program All in the Mind has done a great job summarising what mindfulness is and the current…

  • The ABC Monitoring worksheet

    The ABC Monitoring worksheet is for identifying beliefs that play a role in producing our emotional and behavioural reactions to situations. Triggering situations are recorded in the “A” column, and reactions in the “C” column. Thoughts and beliefs that produced those reactions are then recorded in the “B” column. It is useful to use…

  • Describe Your Emotions worksheet

    Sometimes our ability to process emotions while still engaging in logical processing of information may not be as developed as we would like. This can contribute to problems such as saying or doing things when we are angry, frightened or sad that we might later wish we had said or done differently. The Describe…