Christopher Wright is a General Psychologist and Clinical Psychology Registrar. Holding a Masters in Clinical Psychology from the university of Southern Queensland, Christopher has experience working in primarily child and adolescent mental health services in Queensland. Christopher is driven in providing evidence-based interventions for a wide range of mental health conditions. He has particular interest in treatment across the lifespan, providing support at any stage of life.

Balance: Video gaming as a space for growth

Author: Christopher Wright – Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist Registrar
Published: 5th February 2024

With the advent of technology dominating our daily lives, video games have emerged as an alternative form of enjoyment for many young people. As a psychologist intrigued by the mechanisms of the human mind and an avid gamer myself, I had always believed there were often overlooked positives in the engagement with video games. Not only are there the emotional “good” feelings they give, but it also acts as a medium for improving problem-solving and making meaningful connections.

In the health field, our understanding of neuroplasticity has shifted over the years, and with the presence of an aging population with neurodegenerative conditions, emphasis has been placed on ways to reignite the brain’s ability to remodel and adapt. Throughout these studies, it has been discovered that computer-based training has the potential to increase cognitive proficiency through “restarting” different parts of the brain, enabling neuroplasticity to be activated (Pappas and Drigas, 2019). It was therefore hypothesised that through this form of stimulation, no matter the age, that cognitive ability could improve in different areas through video games. Complex three dimensional games like Super Mario 3D World were indicated to improve hippocampal-associated memory (long term and spatial memory), showing increased gray matter in that region (Clemenson and Stark, 2015). This suggests then that problem solving skills can be enhanced through gaming.

Not only does gaming provide multiple opportunities for improvement of cognitive ability, there several other potential benefits to videogames, including:

  1. Stress Relief: Through providing a dynamic sensory experience and a healthy escapism, video games can reduce feelings of anxiety and tension.
  2. Emotional Regulation: Opportunities to self-regulate can occur often in competitive video games, with frustrations and anxiety being a common occurrence during these games. This allows the brain and body to experience these stressors and enable the body’s natural relaxation process, which can elicit similar responses to real-life stressors.
  3. Social interaction: Online multiplayer and couch co-op games can facilitate social interaction between friends or create new ones. There is opportunity for development of communication and teamworking skills through these activities.
  4. Creativity: Many video games, called “sandbox” games, encourage creativity through providing options to build and explore virtual worlds. This can encourage imagination and even innovation.
  5. Hand-Eye Coordination: Action oriented games require precise movements and quick reflexes, which can be transferable to real world activities.
  6. Learning Opportunities: There are many games that include educational elements such as history, geography, science, and mathematics. In RPG’s (Roleplaying games), conflict resolution can involve negotiation, compromise, and peaceful resolutions.
  7. Goal Setting and Achievement: Often video games will clearly identify goals and also notify the player when they achieve these goals, providing a sense of accomplishment and motivation for young players.
  8. Emotional Expression: Video games frequently explore different themes that can elicit emotional responses from players, increasing emotional awareness and promoting emotional expression in the real world.
  9. Community and Belonging: Online video games commonly co-exist with communities where people may feel more comfortable interacting in a more anonymous space, encouraging identity exploration in a safe space.
  10. Improved Concentration: Like the brains ability to adapt through neuroplasticity many videogames require extended durations of focus to be able to complete tasks, which can coincide with increased ability to focus in less interesting or engaging tasks outside of video games.

So, with all this in mind, how do we find the balance between a hobby that can also negatively impact our young person’s physical health, academic performance, and social relationships? Placing time limits on screen time to ensure that gaming doesn’t impact schoolwork, social obligations, and supporting young people to engage in physical activity. If these options are not having the desired outcome, it could be worthwhile talking to your GP to get a referral to a therapist who can educate and provide tools to the young person and family to best balance their screen time.

Interested in further individual support?

I invite you to contact us on 07 4637 9097 or to discuss our professional services and how we can assist you and/or the young people in your life to achieve your/their goals.

When contacting us to book your appointment, we recommend you request a 50min appointment with Psychologist Christopher Wright. Service provided and costs associated with these appointments are listed in the ‘Fees’ section of our website. You may also wish to discuss your concerns with your GP, and ask about your referral options and eligibility for Medicare’s Better Access Initiative, which provides partially funded Psychology appointments through Medicare. A valid GP Mental Health Care Plan referral is required for this.

Guiding the Stars of Tomorrow: Empowering Your Year 12 Student for Success and Beyond

Navigating the journey of guiding a young individual through their educational years is no small feat, especially as they stand on the cusp of adulthood. This brings us to the pivotal juncture known as year 12 – a phase fraught with uncertainty. Amidst identity exploration, cognitive growth, external influences, and a myriad of other variables, both the young person and those who support them find themselves entwined in a bewildering experience. A review article completed in 2019 highlighted the possible impacts of academic stress in end of schooling students, suggesting negative impacts in sleep, mental health, academic outcomes, and substance use outcomes (Pascoe et al., 2019).

In the forthcoming blog, our aim is clear: equipping you with valuable resources to effectively bolster the young people in your life, all the while ensuring your own well-being. Irrespective of the path they’re inclined to pursue—be it the academic route of ATAR, hands-on apprenticeships, early entry into the workforce, or even the intriguing realm of influencers—remember, it’s the strength of their support system that shapes their present and potentially forms their future.

With the increased pressure, uncertainty, and stress of this period; the following recommendations can be crucial in supporting the young people in our life:

  1. Open Communication: Maintaining an open and non-judgmental space. Let them know you want to listen and support them, both academically and emotionally. Ask them about their feelings, goals, and current concerns.
  2. Foster a Positive Environment: Create a supportive and positive atmosphere at home. Encourage healthy lifestyle routines through balanced meals, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep. This contributes to improved focus, memory, and overall well-being.
  3. Manage Expectations: Help your young person set realistic goals. Acknowledge their strengths and areas of improvement, showing that their worth is not purely determined by academic performance. Encourage them to do their best while accepting setbacks are a part of life and can also be opportunities.
  4. Time Management: Support your young person to develop effective time management skills. Help them create a schedule that balances any academic responsibilities (or other goal related responsibilities) with social and relaxation activities. Problem solve with them to break down large tasks to more manageable pieces to reduce the chance they become overwhelmed.
  5. Stress Management: Teach your young person stress-reduction methods such as deep-breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, or mindfulness exercises. Practice and utilise these methods yourself. If your person sees you practicing stress-reduction methods and the results, they may be more prepared to try them!
  6. Encourage Self-Care: Encourage your young person to pursue their interests outside of academia/work, such as activities relating to their hobbies, spending time with friends to serve as a healthy outlet of stress.
  7. Seek Professional Help: If you are concerned about your young person struggling significantly with anxiety, depression, or other mental health concerns, consider visiting your local GP for recommendations for a therapist or counsellor. Our psychologists can provide specialist and individualised support for a variety of mental health concerns.
  8. Celebrate Achievements: Take the time to acknowledge and openly celebrate your young person’s achievements, no matter what it is. Openly recognising these efforts can improve their self-esteem and provide motivation to continue to do their best.
  9. Support Decision Making: Help your young person to explore their possibilities after school, without imposing your own preferences. Keep an open mind while exploring their strengths, interests, and potential career paths.
  10. Perspective Taking: Provide your young person the perspective that the final year of schooling is but one chapter in their life. Assure them that challenges and successes are part of personal growth and build resilience, and this growth will follow them throughout their whole life.

Every young person is unique, so modify the supports you provide based on their individual needs and personality. The key notes I would like people to think on is to prioritise maintaining a safe, nurturing environment, while encouraging independence and coping skills for the young people in our lives.

Interested in further individual support?

We invite you to contact us on 07 4637 9097 or to discuss our professional services and how we can assist you and/or the young people in your life to achieve your/their goals.

When contacting us to book your appointment to support your young person, we recommend you request a 50min appointment with Psychologist Christopher Wright. Service provided and costs associated with these appointments are listed in the ‘Fees’ section of our website. You may also wish to discuss your concerns with your GP and ask about your referral options and eligibility for Medicare’s Better Access Initiative, which provides partially funded Psychology appointments through Medicare. A valid GP Mental Health Care Plan referral is required for this.